Availability and rights of the SNS

The Availability and rights of the SNS are crucial for anyone wanting to utilize it. The SNS, being copyrighted, sets specific restrictions on its use.

Utilization and Permissions of the SNS

Before benefiting from the SNS, it’s essential to understand its usage rights. Any actions, be it translation, adaptation, or digital format evolution, require permission from Professor Sonia Dollfus. Click here to contact Professor Sonia Dollfus.

SNS for Routine Care and Research

The SNS is available free of charge for routine care or academic research purposes.

Commercial Restrictions of the SNS

The commercial aspect of availability and rights of the SNS is stringent. Profit-oriented companies and academic research activities funded by commercial entities, tech companies, or agencies overseeing the electronic version’s development, requires a prior agreement before utilizing the SNS.

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