What is the Self-assessment of Auditory Hallucinations (SAVH)?

The Self-assessment of Auditory Hallucinations (SAVH) is a unique scale allowing the patient to self-assess their auditory hallucinations. These hallucinations are commonly found in 70% of patients with schizophrenia.

Importance of Managing Hallucinations

Auditory hallucinations can cause difficulties in daily life and significant distress. Therefore, controlling these hallucinations emerges as a major concern in therapeutic management. Until recently, evaluations were exclusively done by the doctor during interactions with the patient.

Why was the Self-assessment of Auditory Hallucinations created?

This self-assessment was developed to enable patients to assess themselves at specific times or upon the sudden onset of hallucinations. This method takes into account the vast temporal variability of their occurrence. Moreover, the Self-assessment of Auditory Hallucinations enhances the patient’s ability to recognize their symptoms, thereby strengthening their insight and commitment to treatment, while promoting empowerment.

Features of the SAVH Scale

The SAVH consists of 9 questions addressing different facets of hallucinations: their intensity, frequency, duration, content, impact on daily activities, and the levels of distress and anxiety they induce. For these questions, patients have 5 options, each choice generating a score ranging from 0 to 5 based on severity. Answers are then totaled to give an overall score, ranging from 0 (no hallucinations) to 45 (very severe hallucinations).

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