MIMO App for Hallucination Monitoring

MIMO: FORLABS’ Revolutionary Tool for Hallucination Management MIMO, developed in collaboration with FORLABS, consists of two interfaces: one for patients and another for doctors. Patient Interface of MIMO Patients access self-assessment through a mobile or tablet interface, using a code…

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SNS available in Swedish!

The SNS is available in Swedish for professionals who wish to access it. Please send me a message via the contact form. The translation into Swedish was linguistically validated according to the following procedure:  Forward Translation – Lena Flyckt, professor of psychiatry…

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SAVH scientific posts

The first article describing the psychometric properties of the SAVH is now published in Schizophrenia Research, 2024, Volume 267, May 2024, Pages 19-23: The  digital version, MIMO,  is now published: Dollfus S, Letourneur F, Metivier L, Moulier V, Rothärmel M. A digital tool for…

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SAVH traduction

The original version of the SAVH is in French. It is available for free for the use in routine care  or academic research. It can be translated into any language upon request for authorization through the contact form. Each translation must be…

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SAVH Availability

Any use, translation, adaptation, and evolution of the tool in electronic format require permission from Professor Sonia Dollfus that you can contact by clicking here. The SAVH is available free of charge for the use in routine care  or academic…

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What is the Self-assessment of Auditory Hallucinations (SAVH)?

The Self-assessment of Auditory Hallucinations (SAVH) is a unique scale allowing the patient to self-assess their auditory hallucinations. These hallucinations are commonly found in 70% of patients with schizophrenia. Importance of Managing Hallucinations Auditory hallucinations can cause difficulties in daily…

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